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2 methylone butylone NAPHYRONE MBDB Mdai - Ardales, malaga

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2 methylone butylone NAPHYRONE MBDB Mdai — Málaga

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Fecha:  Lunes, 14 Enero de 2019
Localización: Málaga (Ardales) , España
148 personas han visto este anuncio
Precio:    35

Buy high quality 2CI, 2CP, 2CE, 2CB, Mephedrone Ketamine Heroine cocaine, 5-Meo-DMT 4-Aco-DMT 4-Ho-MIPT Mdma and BK mdma crystals and powder methylone for sale 
CONTACT: Dr. wiallims dave for more detailsEmail:
Call/Text:+1 3073630295Whatsapp : +237679702851Skype : Williams dave

 Buy High Quality Grade (% 99.96) Mephedrone (2- methylamino 1-one also known as 4-methylmethcathinone (4-MMC). We are one of the top suppliers in wholesale and retail of mephedrone and other plants research chemicals such as: Mephedrone crystal and powdermethedroneFlephedroneMathedroneBuphedroneEthedroneBrephedrone 
Mdma and BK mdma crystals and powdermethylonebutyloneNAPHYRONEMBDBMdai
5-Methylmethylone crystal and powder5-Methylethylone2-Methylbutylone5-MethylbutyloneButyloneEutylonePentylone 
4-MEC large and small crystals ((RS) -1- (4-methylphenyl) -2-methylaminopropan-1-one) .methamphetaminedetrophetamineEthcathinoneMethoxetamineDimethocaine 
Dimethylcathinone crystal and powderDiethylpropionMethcathinoneEthcathinone 
3-MMC, 3-MEC, 3-EMC3-EEC, 4-EMC, 4-EEC 
3-MOMC, 2-FMC, 2-FEC, a-PVP3-FMC, 3-FEC, 3-CMC, FPVP3-BMC, N, N -DEMC, 3,4-DMMC 
Powder and crystals 
, 2201AM2202am1220am122, 2C2CE, 2CP2CE, 2CB2CD, 2CC2, 2CP2CT21, 2CT2, 2CB2, 2CB2 
, 2CB2 250JWH-018, JWH-073JWH-200, JWH-250JWH-240, jwh-350
Meo-crystal and powder5-Meo-DMT4-Aco-DMT4-Ho-MIPT 4Our quality is the best you can find around and we sell in small / large quantities with guaranteed discreet delivery in good time Shipping is done Via DHL TNT FedEx .Please Do Include Your Contact Number. All 

2 methylone butylone NAPHYRONE MBDB Mdai
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