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Authenic New Antminer Bitmain S19, Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 - Ames, coruna

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Authenic New Antminer Bitmain S19, Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 — A coruña

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Fecha:  Miércoles, 11 Agosto de 2021
Localización: A coruña (Ames) , España
164 personas han visto este anuncio
Precio:    500

Brand new NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 TiBrand newNVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Brand newNVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090

GeForce RTX 3080 / 3070/3090 GTX 2080 Ti, 1080 Ti, 1070 Ti, 2080, 1080, 1070, 1060 Ti, 1060, 2080 Ti, RTX 2070 , RX 5700 XT.

Brand new Antminer Bitmain S19J Pro, SHA-256 with Hashrate, 100.00TH/s
Brand new Antminer Bitmain S19J, SHA-256 with Hashrate, 90.00TH/s
Brand new Antminer Bitmain S19 Pro, SHA-256 with Hashrate, 110.00TH/s
Brand new Antminer Bitmain S19, SHA-256, with Hashrate, 95,00TH/s
Antminer Bitmain T17+ SHA-256, with Hashrate, 58.00TH/s
Antminer Bitmain T17, SHA-256, with Hashrate, 40TH/s

All Sealed In Original Brand new Box With Warranty Full Accessories With Discount.

Urgent Response 
Whatsapp : +17076412645 
E-mail : [email protected]

Authenic New Antminer Bitmain S19, Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 Authenic New Antminer Bitmain S19, Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090
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