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Valencia compra_venta  » instrumentos - musicales

Available Yamaha Tyros 5, Pioneer DJ CDJ 2000, Korg PA4X - Beniatjar, valencia

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Available Yamaha Tyros 5, Pioneer DJ CDJ 2000, Korg PA4X — Valencia

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Fecha:  Miércoles, 10 Junio de 2020
Localización: Valencia (Beniatjar) , España
251 personas han visto este anuncio
Precio:    1000

Contact Name: El Gato Gomez

MSNEmail: [email protected]

GOOGLETALK: [email protected]

WHATSAPP: +1 825 994-3253  


We are a large musical instrument trading company, who enjoyed good reputation for many years.all brand new models of Musical instrument such as Saxophone,Drum Set,💩et,Keyboard,Guitar,Digital Piano,and many more at very cheap price with complete accessories. We can offer you a reasonable competitive prices!!!!**Note : Contact us if you want the price and more details about the instrument..we also offer you so much discount on the keyboard..the instruments are cheap.

Below are few of our products.



Yamaha Tyros5-76 - Arranger Workstation

AC Power Cable

Wireless LAN

AdapterMusic Rest2 x Music Rest Bracket


Available Yamaha Tyros 5, Pioneer DJ CDJ 2000, Korg PA4X Available Yamaha Tyros 5, Pioneer DJ CDJ 2000, Korg PA4X
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