Envía un email al anunciante:
SKYPE Contacto : Akplink_distribution
Fecha: Sábado, 17 Septiembre de 2011
Localización: Alicante (Alicante) , España
509 personas han visto este anuncio
Precio: 400
Promotional sales is presently on..
We got the latest smartphones available in stock for sale.
Interested & genuine buyers should contact the details below to buy:-
CONTACT E-MAIL -: [email protected]
CONTACT NAME -: Al Fazal Abubarka
SKYPE ID : Akplink_distribution
GOOGLE TALK -: [email protected]
CONTACT NUMBER : +447031852537
Shipping/delivery is available worldwide
Status: Brand new, authentic & Factory unlocked(Ready for use with no activation)
Availability: Device is available in stock in units and retails.
Buy 2 get 1 free
Buy 5 get 2 free
Buy 10 get 4 free
Apple iPhone 4G 32Gb : $400USD
Apple iPhone 4G 16Gb : $350USD
Apple iPad 2 64GB Wifi + 3G :$500USD
Apple iPad 2 16GB Wifi + 3G : $400USD
Apple iPad 2 32GB Wifi + 3G :$450USD
Blackberry 9780 Bold 4 (touch screen) cost $400Usd
Blackberry Bold 9930(touch screen) cost $400USD
Blackberry Bold 9900(touch screen) cost $300USD
BlackberryTorch 9800(touch screen) cost $350USD
Thanks for your patronage..