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El Stokke Xplory Cochecito Negro Melange v4 nuevo 3in1 completo - Barcelona, barcelona

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El Stokke Xplory Cochecito Negro Melange v4 nuevo 3in1 completo — Barcelona

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SKYPE   Contacto : babystoreltd1

Fecha:  Lunes, 24 Julio de 2017
Localización: Barcelona (Barcelona) , España
520 personas han visto este anuncio
Precio:    400

It can be used as part of a travel system, which is very handy if you are transferring a sleeping baby from the car to the stroller for a quick trip to the shops. Stokke offers two car seats that can be used with the strollers of the brand without the use of adapters: the Stokke iZi Go X1 from BeSafe and the Stokke iZi Sleep X3 from BeSafe.

El Stokke Xplory Cochecito Negro Melange v4 nuevo 3in1 completo El Stokke Xplory Cochecito Negro Melange v4 nuevo 3in1 completo El Stokke Xplory Cochecito Negro Melange v4 nuevo 3in1 completo
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