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Málaga servicios  » terapias - masajes

Masajes terapeuticas y healing (cura a travès de las manos) - Marbella, malaga

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Masajes terapeuticas y healing (cura a travès de las manos) — Málaga

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Fecha:  Miércoles, 20 Febrero de 2013
Localización: Málaga (Marbella) , España
362 personas han visto este anuncio
Precio:    35

More 20 years experience with a background as masseur, healer and massage teacher ( in workshops)in countries such as Norway, Portugal, Germany and France.
I perform these types of massage:
Anti-stress ( relax)
Sports massage...
Linfatic massage
Deep Tissue( muscle tension relief, etc...)

I use aromatic oils and essences, relaxing music and an ambience of tranquility, seriousness and confidence.

Chakra-Healing Massage is my own development techniques that I have gathered with my long term experience. It is an Intuitive massage where I use my skills as a natural Healer. It brings balance to your energetic field, balanced energies and body stress relief, which will help you to get more clarity of mind and focus on your daily routine. A sense of happiness and "lighter" body is what my clients say they get after a massage.

Anticelulitic massage is done with essential natural oils and serums that help to reduce the "orange skin", celulite on your thighs and hips, together with special massage techniques that can effectively reduce the visible part of the accumulation of fat and water on your legs. It helps to reduce the heaviness on the legs as well, accelerating the blood circulation and balancing the metabolism ( linfatic system).

Welcome to an environment that makes you feel the wholeness of your true Self.60min.-35€;90min.-120€

Masajes terapeuticas y healing (cura a travès de las manos)
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