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Araba/Álava compra_venta  » otras-ventas

Mephedrone 4-MMC Ketamine HCL Crystal MDMA crystal amphetamine MDPV - Ayala/Aiara, araba

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Mephedrone 4-MMC Ketamine HCL Crystal MDMA crystal amphetamine MDPV — Araba/Álava

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Fecha:  Miércoles, 17 Mayo de 2017
Localización: Araba/Álava (Ayala/Aiara) , España
291 personas han visto este anuncio
Precio:    300

We have the products listed below for sale. We sell at both wholesale and retail and the best prices you will find in the market . All our products are in their purest forms 99:9% pure . Contact us now if you will want to buy any of these products in any quantity.([email protected]) Mephedrone 4-MMC Ketamine HCL Crystal MDMA crystal amphetamine MDPV Methadrone Methylone bk-mdma crystal 4MEC Crystal JWH-018 JWH-073 JWH-200 JWH-250 Bk-MBDB 3-FMC Mephedrone Methedrone 5-MeO-DMT MDPV A-PVP Dimethocain We guarantee discreet delivery and our most important priority is to satisfy our customers with good quality products and a longterm business and more future order. for more details you can contact us via Email :[email protected] Skype…………………online.store1 whatsapp....................+2376-8012-8679 CONTACT NO#..............+2376-8012-8679

Mephedrone 4-MMC Ketamine HCL Crystal MDMA crystal amphetamine MDPV
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