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SKYPE Contacto : mobilearena101
Fecha: Viernes, 20 Febrero de 2015
Localización: Barcelona (Dubai) , España
350 personas han visto este anuncio
Precio: 300
ARENA MOBILE STORE We deal in all kind of brand new factory unlocked Original mobile phones with 1 year international manufacturer international warranty.
For Order Contact us via Email Address Place in below manners ....
Ahmed Omer
E-mail: Mobilstorearena@hotmail.com
MSN CHAT: mobilstorearena@hotmail.com
GoogleTalk CHAT: asifahmed945@gmail.com
SKYPE ID: mobilearena101
Whatsapp Chat, Tell, SMS: +254787763293
Apple iPhone 6 UNLOCKED $ 800USD plus 128GB
Apple iPhone 6 Plus 64GB UNLOCKED $ 750USD
Apple iPhone 6 Plus 16GB UNLOCKED $ 700USD
Apple iPhone 6 UNLOCKED $ 750USD 128GB
Apple iPhone 6 64GB UNLOCKED $ 700USD
Apple iPhone 6 16GB UNLOCKED $ 600USD
Apple iPhone 5s 64GB UNLOCKED $ 400USD
Apple iPhone 5s 32GB UNLOCKED $ 350USD
Apple iPhone 5s 16GB UNLOCKED $ 300USD
Apple iPhone 32GB UNLOCKED $ 350USD 5c
Apple iPhone 16GB UNLOCKED $ 300USD 5c
Apple iPhone 5 64GB UNLOCKED $ 300USD
Apple iPhone 5 32GB UNLOCKED $ 280USD
Apple iPhone 5 16GB UNLOCKED $ 260USD
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 + Gear cost $ 500USD
Samsung Galaxy S5 + Gear $ 400USD
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 + Gear $ 350USD
Samsung Galaxy S4 $ 300USD
Samsung Galaxy SIII $ 280USD
Blackberry Porsche Design P 9981 === $ 450
Blackberry Porsche Design P 9981 Gold === $ 550
New Blackberry Q10 === $ 330
Apple iPad 4 Wi-Fi + Cellular 64GB $ 400
Apple iPad 3 4G 64GB Wi-Fi $ 350USD
Contact us For Order Place via Email Address manners in below:
Ahmed Omer
E-mail mobilstorearena@hotmail.com
MSN CHAT: mobilstorearena@hotmail.com
GoogleTalk CHAT: asifahmed945@gmail.com
SKYPE ID: mobilearena101
Whatsapp Chat, Tell, SMS: +254787763293