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Smart ~ brilliant Male and female Samoyed puppies - Abla, almeria

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Smart ~ brilliant Male and female Samoyed puppies — Almería

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Fecha:  Miércoles, 17 Junio de 2020
Localización: Almería (Abla) , España
281 personas han visto este anuncio
Precio:    750

I have a new job here, so I work longer hours than before and because of these changes, puppies are always very alone at home, which is why I want to give puppies to good and loving homes that will add puppies as new family members. or WhatsApp /+16193531397 thank you

Smart ~ brilliant Male and female Samoyed puppies Smart ~ brilliant Male and female Samoyed puppies Smart ~ brilliant Male and female Samoyed puppies Smart ~ brilliant Male and female Samoyed puppies
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