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Barcelona trabajo  » informática - internet

Spanish Online Task Contributor- Spain - Barcelona, barcelona

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Spanish Online Task Contributor- Spain — Barcelona

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Fecha:  Domingo, 02 Agosto de 2020
Localización: Barcelona (Barcelona) , España
519 personas han visto este anuncio
Precio:    0

Freelance, Part time, Independent Contractor



Spanish Online Task Contributor - Spain 


Are you looking for an opportunity to work with one of America’s top 100 most trusted Companies while also supplementing your income from the comfort of your home?  Then why not join Lionbridge as a part-time Independent Contractor.  We are currently recruiting for the role of Spanish Online Task Contributor in Spain.


What does the job involve?

As an Online Task Contributor your ultimate goal will be to contribute towards evaluating websites and products over time and making internet search more exciting, relevant and interesting for all end users in Spain. In this job you will be accessing tasks from your laptop or desktop PC at home, you will be evaluating online search results in order to improve their content and quality. You will be required to provide feedback on content found in new products and search engine results.  You will play a part in improving the quality of one of the largest search engines in the world using both your laptop/desktop PC and Android or iPhone mobile device. 


Who is suitable for this job?

We are currently seeking highly tech savvy, dynamic and creative Internet users who have a familiarity with a wide variety of Apps and have a strong interest in all forms of social media, specifically those who are an active daily user of their Gmail account. We require suitable candidates to own & use a desktop/laptop as well as an Android or iPhone mobile phone preferably running the latest OS version, you must be familiar with downloading Apps on your phone and you should also be willing to download certain required Apps.


Hours for this role are up to 5 hours per week depending on task availability. You should be a flexible, reliable avid internet user.  In this role you will have the freedom to complete tasks from your own home, scheduling your own hours, this opportunity should not be considered as a primary or guaranteed source of income but is designed to supplement your own income. The volume of available tasks can vary on a weekly basis. You will receive push notifications when tasks are available through the custom App that you will be required to download. We are seeking people who specifically have a desktop PC and an Android or iPhone mobile phone running the latest OS version and the Google Search App installed to complete tasks.


What are the main requirements for the job?

  • You must be fluent in written and verbal English and Spanish
  • You must be living in Spain for the last 3 consecutive years
  • You must own a Desktop/Laptop PC
  • You must own an Android or iPhone smartphone running the latest OS version
  • Gmail must be your primary Email account and used frequently
  • Active daily user of Gmail and all forms of social media, some tasks may be social media based.
  • Latest version of the Google Search App installed on your mobile device
  • You must be highly Tech-Savvy and familiar with a variety of Apps
  • Willingness to download Apps
  • You must have familiarity with current and historical business, media, sport, news, social media and cultural affairs in Spain




What’s next?


Don’t Delay! Submit your application today using a laptop/desktop PC through the below link:



A member of our recruitment team will then review your application.


Please Note: We are unable to offer more than one Online Task Contributor opportunity per IP address.

Spanish Online Task Contributor- Spain
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  • Currently 1.00/10

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