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Venta: Apple iPhone 64GB Desbloqueado 4S, Porsche Design P9981 BlackBerry, Samsung Galaxy - , lugo

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Venta: Apple iPhone 64GB Desbloqueado 4S, Porsche Design P9981 BlackBerry, Samsung Galaxy — Lugo

Envía un email al anunciante: 

SKYPE   Contacto : unique_electltd1@liv

Fecha:  Sábado, 17 Marzo de 2012
Localización: Lugo (Lugo) , España
589 personas han visto este anuncio
Precio:    400

We are leading wholesale distributors of mobile phones, plasma & LCD TV, MP3 Players

and MP4, video games console, digital cameras, dvd players (Etc) at cheap & affordable prices.

We offer discount offer on your next ...

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Apple iPhone 64GB Unlocked $ 550usd 4S
Apple iPhone 32 GB Unlocked $ 400 4S
16 GB Unlocked Apple iPhone 4S $ 320 USD

Apple iPhone 4G HD 32 GB (Unlocked) .. $ 300
Apple iPhone 4G 16GB (unlocked). $ 250
Apple iPhone 3G 32 GB (Unlocked) ... .... $ 200
16 GB Apple iPhone 3G S (White) ... ... $ 180

Apple Tablet:
Apple iPad February 2011 with Wi-Fi 3G 64GB. $ 400USD
Apple iPad February 2011 with Wi-Fi 3G 32 GB. $ 320
Apple iPad February 2011 with Wi-Fi 3G 16 GB. $ 280
Apple iPad Tablet 64 GB (Wi-Fi + 3G) ... .. $ 300
Apple iPad Tablet 32GB (3G + Wi-Fi) .... $ 250
16 GB Apple iPad Tablet (Wi-Fi + 3G) ... .. $ 240

Torch sliding Blackberry 9800 - $ 300
Porsche Blackberry 9981 .... $ 600
Onyx Blackberry Bold 9700 - $ 220
BlackBerry Bold 9700 - $ 210USD
BlackBerry Bold 9000 - $ 190usd
BlackBerry Storm - $ 220

2x CDJ-1000 MK3 & DJM-800 Mixer Package
2x PIONEER CDJ-350 Turntable + DJM-350 Mixer
Pioneer CMX-3000 Dual Rackmount CD Player

For further inquiries and information about our products, please contact us at:

Skype: Marianolimited1

Venta: Apple iPhone 64GB Desbloqueado 4S, Porsche Design P9981 BlackBerry, Samsung Galaxy Venta: Apple iPhone 64GB Desbloqueado 4S, Porsche Design P9981 BlackBerry, Samsung Galaxy Venta: Apple iPhone 64GB Desbloqueado 4S, Porsche Design P9981 BlackBerry, Samsung Galaxy
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