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Viaje y trabaje en Canadá con MARRIOTT HOTEL Necesidad urgente de trabajo - Abanto, zaragoza

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Viaje y trabaje en Canadá con MARRIOTT HOTEL Necesidad urgente de trabajo — Zaragoza

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Fecha:  Viernes, 15 Diciembre de 2017
Localización: Zaragoza (Abanto) , España
480 personas han visto este anuncio
Precio:    0

Travel and work in Canada with MARRIOTT HOTEL Urgent need for workers at CANADAMARRIOTT HOTEL CANADA You are hiring experienced industrial workers (waiter / waitress, cleaners, receptionist, driver, cashier, deliveryman, etc.) MARRIOTT HOTEL CANADA Recruitment and certification experience Receptionist and others Hotel workers in general in 2017 to 2018. Applicants must be qualified and certified. The applicant must also be 25 years of age or older. Send your CV to our recruiting center by email for us to review. EMAIL ............ [email protected] Phone number ... +1 (929) 399-7463 WhatsApp: +1 (929) 399-7463 Hotel workers for other kitchens / auxiliary cooks Pre-cooked food Waitress chambermaidCleaningBarmanRoom serviceReceptionistConductorGeneral managerGeneral managerGeneral generalLay room serviceCabinContellerClarkLaundryDicurious delivery roomCompact printerElectricianPrograms and other jobs in general. The workers are required full-time and the duration of the work is six years. We also offer the company free social benefits. After the first month of work with the company. Return flight and free food. Applicants must also have an international passport. If you are interested in working with our company, contact us through our email address. With a complete application for verification and also to obtain more information about the job offer. Send your CV to our recruitment center by email so we can review it. EMAIL ............ [email protected] Phone number ... +1 (929) 399-7463WhatsApp: +1 (929) 399-7463

Viaje y trabaje en Canadá con MARRIOTT HOTEL Necesidad urgente de trabajo
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