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Barcelona vivienda  » chalets

We are looking for private investor - Vic, barcelona

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We are looking for private investor — Barcelona

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Fecha:  Jueves, 03 Agosto de 2017
Localización: Barcelona (Vic) , España
381 personas han visto este anuncio
Precio:    453000

We are looking for private investor for the mortgage of our habitual residence in the province of Barcelona for a project of self financing the same mortgage with the lease of part of the property that we will not use. Investment of around euros 450000. To 28/30 years. We can receive the capital in BitCoin or other Cryptomonedas at the time of signature change. Amortization and interest will be entered in traditional currency. Request information by mail in English or Spanish

We are looking for private investor We are looking for private investor We are looking for private investor We are looking for private investor
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