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  • Martes, 08 Noviembre de 2016

    Las Palmas Port Off Port Limits OPL  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € Take advantage of Off Port Limits (OPL) at Las Palmas Port receiving stores, provisions, spare parts and crew change avoiding delays and payment of port dues. For information contact CanaryPort shipping agency by phone +34 697 471 866 or web www.canaryportservices.comttaakkee  aaddvvaannttaaggee  ooff  ooffff  ppoorrtt  lliimmiittss  88ooppll99  aa ...

  • Lunes, 07 Noviembre de 2016

    Las Palmas Port Bunkering Services  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € CanaryPort Services provides cost-efficient Bunkering services with all types of quality products at the best prices. Pipelines to supply at the dock, barges for deliveries at anchorage and fleet of tanks-trucks. Please, feel free to visit our web or contact us 24h mobile tel. +34 697471866.ccaannaarryyppoorrtt  sseerrvviicceess  pprroovviiddeess  ...

  • Viernes, 04 Noviembre de 2016

    CanaryPort Services Sanitation Renewal  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € On weekdays we can make the necessary arrangements for the renewal of this certificate. Please, visit our website www.canaryportservices.com or contact our office +34 828 028384oonn  wweeeekkddaayyss  wwee  ccaann  mmaakkee  tthhee  nneecceessssaarryy  aarrrraannggeemmeennttss  ffoorr  tthhee  rreenneewwaall  ooff  tthhiiss  cceerrttiiffiiccaattee. ...

  • Jueves, 03 Noviembre de 2016

    Port Agent Clearance Spare Parts  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € CanaryPort Services will take care that once the Spare Parts arrived by airfreight, they will be delivered on board with no delays 3 to 4 hours after arrival at Las Palmas Airport. Feel free to visit our website www.CanaryPortServices.com o call us at mobile tel. +34 697471866ccaannaarryyppoorrtt  sseerrvviicceess  wwiillll  ttaakkee  ccaarree  tth ...

  • Miércoles, 02 Noviembre de 2016

    Las Palmas Ship Agent Stevedores  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € We can name, through the various stevedoring companies, port hands to carry out loading and unloading at the port of Las Palmas.Feel free to contact us if you need more information or you need an estimate for services/agency costs visiting our website or calling us mobile tel +34 697471866wwee  ccaann  nnaammee,,  tthhrroouugghh  tthhee  vvaarriioo ...

  • Martes, 01 Noviembre de 2016

    Las Palmas port crew Change  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € We carry out all formalities for crew change, with Border Police to formalize exit visas and book hotels and transport logistics of the crew. We cooperate with agencies and / or consulates to formalize entry visas. Please, feel free to visit our website or contact us 24h mobile +34 697 471866wwee  ccaarrrryy  oouutt  aallll  ffoorrmmaalliittiieess  ...

  • Domingo, 30 Octubre de 2016

    CanaryPort Services Ship Agency  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € CanaryPort Services very experienced staff will take care of all the regular routine tasks of a shipping company at very competitive prices. We ensure supplies, crew transfers, customs clearance, bunkering services and much more at Canary Islands Ports! Please, feel free to visit our website www.CanaryPortServices.comccaannaarryyppoorrtt  sseerrvvi ...

  • Viernes, 28 Octubre de 2016

    Customs Clearance Canary Islands Ports  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € Canary Port services Shipping Agency take in charge export, import and transit customs clearances and assitance to guarantee a full-support with high level of compliance and expertise. For more information, please, visit our website www.CanaryPortServices.com or call us to mobile tel. +34 697471866ccaannaarryy  ppoorrtt  sseerrvviicceess  sshhiippp ...

  • Jueves, 27 Octubre de 2016

    Canary Islands Ports Luboil Supply  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € Canaryport services, Luboil Shipping Agency for deliver bulk marine lubricants to vessels at Canary Islands Ports. To buy Lubricants from the major Luboil companies, feel free to contact us to mobile tel. +34 697 471 866 or by website contact form at www.CanaryPortServices.comccaannaarryyppoorrtt  sseerrvviicceess,,  lluubbooiill  sshhiippppiinngg  ...

  • Miércoles, 26 Octubre de 2016

    Canary Islands Ports Shipping Agency  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € CanaryPort Services is a full-service Shipping Agency at Canary Islands Ports. Bunkering, Crew change, Customs Clearance, Spare Parts & Provisions, Ship Repairs, Off-Port Limits and much more! Feel free to visit our website www.CanaryPortServices.com or call us Tel. mobile +34 697471866ccaannaarryyppoorrtt  sseerrvviicceess  iiss  aa  ffuullll--sse ...

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