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  • Sábado, 21 Enero de 2017

    CanaryPort Services Ship Husbandry Agent  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € Fast and efficient Husbandry Services during vessels’ port call: Cash to Master, Booking Accomodation & Transport, Crew change, visa formalities, etc. Please feel free to contact us for an estimate for services and agency costs in our website www.CanaryPort Services.com or caling us at mobile tel. +34 697471866ffaasstt  aanndd  eeffffiicciieenntt  ...

  • Viernes, 20 Enero de 2017

    Las Palmas Port Mega Yachts  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € CanaryPort services provides a full-service Mega Yacht agency at Las Palmas port for every type of call. Get best-in-class support and assistance. Please feel free to contact us for more information: 24h mobile tel. +34 6974718665 or visit our website www.canaryportservices.comccaannaarryyppoorrtt  sseerrvviicceess  pprroovviiddeess  aa  ffuullll-- ...

  • Jueves, 19 Enero de 2017

    Oil Waste Collection Las Palmas port  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € CanaryPort services will take care of Oil Waste Collection requests with Marpol standards preventing and controlling pollution. For oil waste collection at Las Palmas port, please, email us at [email protected] or visit our website www.canaryportservices.comccaannaarryyppoorrtt  sseerrvviicceess  wwiillll  ttaakkee  ccaarree  ooff  ooiil ...

  • Martes, 17 Enero de 2017

    Las Palmas port Solutions to Corrosion  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € CanaryPortservices ship agency can help you with your corrosion issues, in particular Subsea. Maintenance; Anodes and Cathodic Protection retrofitting system and Failure Investigation; Computer Modeling and Survey Inspection. Please, feel free to ask for more information visiting our website www.CanaryPortServices.com or e-mail us at cps@canaryport ...

  • Lunes, 16 Enero de 2017

    Protection Ship Agency Las Palmas Port  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € If you need at Las Palmas Port a Verification of proformas & disbursement accounts, Receipt of funding and vendor payments and  Documentation review and management ask for quotation to www.canaryportservices.com or contact us 24h mobile tel. +34 697471866iiff  yyoouu  nneeeedd  aatt  llaass  ppaallmmaass  ppoorrtt  aa  vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn  oof ...

  • Domingo, 15 Enero de 2017

    Las Palmas port Luboil supply  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € Canaryport services Luboil ship agent delivers bulk marine lubricants to vessels at Las Palmas Port. To get Lubricants from the major luboil companies, please, contact us by 24h mobile tel. +34 697 471 866 or by website contact form www.CanaryPortServices.comccaannaarryyppoorrtt  sseerrvviicceess  lluubbooiill  sshhiipp  aaggeenntt  ddeelliivveerrs ...

  • Viernes, 13 Enero de 2017

    CanaryPort, Cost-Effective Ship Agents  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € CanaryPort services offers cost-effective shipping agency 24h/7/365 services tailored to your needs. Bunkering, Spare parts, crew change, ship repairs and much more! Know more about CPS services in Canary Islands Ports, contact mobile tel. 24h +34 697471866 or visit website www.canaryportservices.comccaannaarryyppoorrtt  sseerrvviicceess  ooffffeer ...

  • Jueves, 12 Enero de 2017

    Las Palmas port Ship Agent Offshore  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € We can offer Las Palmas Port high quality services specialized for offshore vessels/rigs at competitive prices and European quality standards. Know more about services of the European port closest to Africa, contact Canaryport Services by 24h mobile +34697471866 or web www.canaryportservices.comwwee  ccaann  ooffffeerr  llaass  ppaallmmaass  ppoorr ...

  • Miércoles, 11 Enero de 2017

    Las Palmas Port Ship Repairs  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € We can offer Las Palmas quality & cost-effective ship repairs. Dry dock and Afloat. Repairs, maintenance or conversion of all types of vessels.  Highly qualified professionals & surveyors of the main classification societies. Contact 24h mobile +34 697 47 18 66 or web www.canaryportservices.comwwee  ccaann  ooffffeerr  llaass  ppaallmmaass  qquuaal ...

  • Martes, 10 Enero de 2017

    Navinter Shipping SA Ship agency  Palmas (Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las )
    1 fotos  Precio  0 € Ofrecemos un servicio rápido,efectivo y eficaz a las embarcaciones y proveedores de servicios coordinando las fases terrestres del transporte marítimo, entregando y recibiendo la carga.  Visite nuestra web: www.navinter.comooffrreecceemmooss  uunn  sseerrvviicciioo  rrppiiddoo,,eeffeeccttiivvoo  yy  eeffiiccaazz  aa  llaass  eemmbbaarrccaacciioonne ...

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